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Case - VVV Texel

A personalised offer for every island visitor


VVV Texel

Texel is a popular holiday destination for young and old. Every year, more than one million visitors from the Netherlands and abroad visit the largest Wadden island in the Netherlands for a day out, a weekend away or a long holiday. The increasing popularity is largely due to VVV Texel. This organization has been committed to good information provision and the promotion of activities and accommodations on the island for more than a century. And since the deployment of Squeezely, VVV Texel is even better able to put the Wadden Island on the international tourist map.

About VVV Texel

VVV Texel was founded in 1898 and is still the place where travelers can go for information about their destination. This used to take the form of brochures and a visit to the local tourist office, but in recent decades this has logically largely shifted to online. VVV Texel's trilingual website is an important hub in the web of the online marketing strategy. Because in addition to information about the island, you can also buy tickets for activities and book accommodations directly.

A suitable offer for every visitor

Whether you like hiking or surf kayaking, would like to spend the night at a campsite with your family or want to be pampered in a wellness resort: on Texel you can do it all. The versatility of the island is great, but at the same time it is a challenge for VVV Texel. Because how do you bring the most suitable offer to the attention of the right target group? And how do you ensure that it does not end with a one-off visit to the island? These challenges formed the basis for the collaboration with Squeezely.

From manual emails to automated personalization

A few years before VVV Texel knocked on Squeezely's door, Peter Nederstigt (E-commerce Manager VVV Texel) started an mail experiment to increase the retention rate among holidaymakers. “I followed up people who had booked a holiday through us by email a few months after their visit to the island,” says Peter. “I soon noticed that this worked very well, but also that it was much too labour-intensive in this way.” When you consider that about 22,000 people book a holiday through the Texel Tourist Information website every year, intensive is an understatement. Peter looked for a solution to automate it and soon found Squeezely.

“I thought: if I can automate the follow-up of people by email, we can really make an impact. Before I knew it, I was sitting at the table with Squeezely and we were making a plan to make it happen.” - Peter Nederstigt, E-commerce Manager Texel Tourist Office

A challenging use case

Peter: “In our first conversation, I presented this challenge to Squeezely. Everyone immediately became enthusiastic, because they had never done this before. They built a use case and a link to connect our booking system Travelbase and the email platform Spotler to Squeezely. That was quite complex, because we communicate in three languages. When all the data entered the CDP properly and the foundations were in place, we were free to go.”

Data driven mail flows

The follow-up journey, which Peter had already started before the collaboration, could finally be automated with Squeezely. Instead of manually calculating the correct dispatch time, this was now left to the CDP. Peter: “Each customer automatically ends up in this flow after a booking. Does the person not book again within 10 months? Then a mail is automatically triggered with a reminder of the holiday and of course the option to book again immediately. As a result, the holiday feeling is starting to itch for many people again.”

In addition to the follow-up journey, the mail channel was expanded with smart, automated mail flows. Think of a classic cart abandonment campaign with viewed accommodations or campsites, special offers for specific target groups, news about the island and win-back emails. Peter: “We have now developed dozens of different mails that, thanks to Squeezely, end up in the right inbox at the right time. With this we have significantly increased the opening and conversion ratios.”

“More than 75% of the newsletters that VVV Texel sends are based on unique profile characteristics of the recipient. That leads to high opening ratios and excellent conversion rates.” - Joyce Daalder, Online Marketer Texel Tourist Office

VVV Texel is a unique DMO (Destination Marketing Organisation). In addition to promoting the island, VVV Texel also takes care of accommodation bookings and the online sale of tickets for entrepreneurs who organize an activity. This varies from a museum visit to a cruise, workshops and sporting outings. Squeezely and Spotler play an important role in personalized customer acquisition for tickets and accommodations. Together with Flowmailer (the software that takes care of sending the transactional mails), they are indispensable parts of VVV Texel's marketing ecosystem.

From online to offline visit

Another way Squeezely VVV Texel helps to attract more people to the island is by monitoring the website visitors who watch the webcam images. Peter: “You can watch several places on the island live via the website. These include the beach, the seals at Ecomare and the lambs on the sheep farm.” Not only very nice, but also very valuable. Peter continues: “These webcams generate a quarter of the total annual website visit, which amounts to over 2 million unique visits per year. Previously, we couldn't do anything with that, while these people are interested in Texel. Thanks to Squeezely, we now actively request e-mail addresses on the webcam pages and we can follow up these people by e-mail with relevant content.”

“With Squeezely, it is very easy to build target groups based on customer data and communicate one-on-one with fans and customers.” - Anne-Marie Kortenhoeven-Boon, Database Marketeer & Travelbase specialist VVV Texel

The results

When we ask Peter about the results, he answers enthusiastically. “From the start of the collaboration, the results showed exactly what I was hoping for. And the fact that I can now easily do on a large scale what I was doing manually all along makes it even more fun.”

Thanks to Squeezely, VVV Texel has expanded its database with many new and relevant first party data. This data is used in the various customer journeys and across multiple channels. Peter: “I continue to be amazed every day about the synergy. For example, if we want to launch an advertising campaign with a last minute promotion, we simply build a journey in Squeezely. The CDP then ensures that the promotion is shown among the right target groups and in the right marketing channels. We can determine ourselves how often we want someone to see an expression. The fact that you are also at the helm makes it a wonderful product.”

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