Start and achieve results quickly

For example, get your customer recognition in order with Recognise. Or improve product recommendations with Recommend. Make sure that no customer drops out of anymore your funnel with Remind. Entice customers to make a purchase with the cases in Persuade. And Maximise order values and repeat purchases with Propose.

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Recognise Mail Adresses
Gather Mail Adresses
Enrich Profiles
Matching Attribute
Website Reminder
Abandoned Website
Shopping Cart
Back in Stock
Pop-ups and Overlays
Product Information
Additional Products
Follow up Journey
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Recognise Mail Adresses

Enhance customer recognition from email traffic by employing email hashing. By recognising email addresses on your website, you can link event data from unknown cookies to profile data from known visitors. This enables you to build comprehensive 360° profiles and personalize the customer journey.

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Gather Mail Adressess

The simplest way to obtain your customers' email addresses is by asking for them. Build a form, activate it on Squeezely, and watch the data seamlessly integrate into the 360-degree customer profile.

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Enrich Profiles

Deepen your understanding of customers by enriching their profiles with relevant information about their interests and preferences. Decide what information you want to gather, create a form within Squeezely, and effortlessly capture valuable insights.

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Recommendations on Website

Show website visitors the products they are genuinely interested in. Squeezely combines website behaviour with your product feed, enabling you to present personalised product recommendations to every visitor.

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Recommendations in Mail

Designate blocks within your email templates to showcase a personalised selection of products. This way, you can send tailored emails to everyone. Squeezely can automate triggers to ensure emails are sent at the optimal time.

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Matching Attributes

Displaying products with matching attributes can be highly effective. Dynamically load products onto a product page based on previously collected customer data, ensuring each visitor is presented with a personalised offer.

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Website Reminder

Display previously viewed articles to returning website visitors. This not only increases conversions but also enhances the user-friendliness of your site.

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Abandoned Website Journey

Identify visitors to your website who have not made any purchases and automatically send them emails to encourage them to add items to their basket.

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Abandoned Cart Journey

When customers carefully create a shopping cart but fail to make a purchase, sending them a reminder is essential. Convenience creates conversions.

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Online Retargeting

Make optimal use of all your channels to showcase your products. Reach out to visitors who have viewed products via Facebook, Instagram, or Google to boost conversions.

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Back in Stock

When a product becomes available again, automatically notify your customers. Whether through a website pop-up or a dynamic email template, everyone stays informe

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Pop-ups en Overlays

Leave the task of delivering the right message, in the right place, at the right time to Squeezely. Utilise our wide range of pop-up and overlays.

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Product Information

Enhance your product pages with subtle additions to create an enticing layer. Incorporate dynamic text that displays real-time relevant information, such as the quantity of products in stock, how many people have viewed this product recently or other suggestions of your choice.

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Additional Products

Recommend complementary items to website visitors during the cart or checkout process. By leveraging your existing in-house data, you can experience a significant boost in your order value.

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Follow Up Journey

Send tailored suggestions to customers who have made previous purchases, aiming to strengthen their loyalty and engagement.


Unique for each company

Do you want to check whether your setup is ready for a Customer Data Platform? Then complete our special setup scan. Start a chat and our team will be happy to help you put these cases into practice.

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