From generic customer journey to unique experience

Endeavor is a Haarlem digital agency of more than two hundred people. What once started as a collaboration between specialized agencies, has now grown into a cumulative of marketers, designers, strategists, developers and everything in between. With guts, drive and above all a lot of fun, they work together every day on the most beautiful digital platforms, content and growth.
Data-driven marketing
Underwater at Endeavor they are like online marketers, secretly engineers. They examine data, set specific goals and combine that into a tactical plan of attack that leads to growth.
A platform like Squeezely is indispensable. It ties all the ends of growth marketing, segmentation and personalization together and brews 360-degree customer profiles.
In this way they see exactly what the added value is of each individual element and what all parts together do for the whole: your turnover. They go for data-driven marketing.

“We are very enthusiastic about Squeezely, much more control over customer data and always higher conversion due to the many possible use cases"
Martijn Berns - Managing Director Endeavour Growth

Advertising is not everything
At Endeavor they also know that putting more and more resources on advertising is a bottomless pit. The experience on the website itself is what matters. If you really want to engage customers, serve them personalized content that is so good they can't ignore it.
They transform a generic customer journey into a unique experience and turn fleeting contact into an endless series of repeat purchases.

Multi-disciplinary teams

The specialists at Endeavor wear many types of hats. Instead of specializing endlessly in depth, they also go into width. They work in multidisciplinary teams so that they reason from everyone's expertise and everything eventually comes together nicely.
For example, they advocate for both SEO and SEA and they are committed to good content. They all have 'one thing' that they can't stop talking about and like to brainstorm with each other to come up with the best strategy. Whether it concerns customer data platforms, content or advertising. They serve our customers holistically so that they serve their customers better.
Complete deep-dive in your organization
To reach great heights, they first dive deep into your organization. In this way they get to know the market in which you operate, your objectives and your target group. And that's what Endeavor is all about: getting to know you and your target audience.
What pulls her over the line?
And is your platform already focused on that?

Getting Started with Squeezely
When implementing Squeezely, they do a baseline measurement of your platform. They answer a number of questions. What are you already doing about personalization? What about the average order value? What is your average conversion rate? They look at your visitors and possible segmentation with a sharp eye. Then they get to work with use cases where they test different hypotheses.
At Endeavor, for example, they learn more and more every month and generate more turnover for you.