Personalization strategy with a CDP

This is how you do it

Do you want to improve the efficiency of your marketing efforts? Then you need to get started with personalization and a Customer Data Platform. With a well-thought-out personalization strategy and a strong CDP, you reach the right target groups, achieve better performance and save your marketing budget. But, how do you develop such a strategy? And what role does a CDP play in this? In this blog we tell you all about it.

What is Personalization?

First things first: what do we mean by personalization? It means giving something its own or personal character. In marketing we speak of personalization when an expression or message is adapted to an individual. A pop-up, a product recommendation, an email, an advertisement or an entire website page - you can personalize it all.

What are the benefits of personalization in marketing?

You increase your relevance with personalized marketing. The more relevant your message, pop-up notification, email or product recommendation, the greater the chance of conversion. Sounds logical right? Personalization can be applied in many ways. This offers many possibilities, but also makes it complicated at the same time. Because how do you decide what to bet on? And which forms of personalization suit your business? This is where the importance of a well-thought-out strategy comes in.

The importance of a personalization strategy

Increasing the conversion rate is not the only goal of a personalization strategy. In addition to a smooth customer journey, it also ensures higher customer satisfaction and loyalty, lower marketing costs and less time wasted. This allows you to make marketing more efficient and grow your business.

Applying a Personalization Strategy?

You do that with a CDP. The best way to apply your personalization strategy is with a Customer Data Platform (CDP). A CDP is a central storage point in which customer data is collected and combined with data from your CRM system and marketing channels. The result of this collection? Complete customer profiles that tell you exactly where your customers are, who they are and what they want. You then use these customer profiles to set up your use cases and to unleash your overall personalization strategy.

Success cases: the basis of your personalization strategy

Before we dive further into the personalization strategy, we first tell you more about use cases. Use cases can be seen as sub-goals or milestones that contribute to achieving your overall personalization strategy. A use case always has an overarching theme, so that you can work in a targeted manner. The themes or pillars we use are:

If all goes well, you should be able to hang each use case on one of the above five pillars. This helps you to keep an overview and to make objectives concrete.

This is how you develop your own personalization strategy

Now that you know what success cases are, you can start developing your own personalization strategy. The first step is to map out the customer journey. Make an overview of all contact moments between your company and customers: via the website, in the store, via e-mail, social media and customer service. Can you picture this? Then we go to the next step.

From customer journey to personalization strategy and use cases

Hang each contact moment on the pillar that best fits and study it. How can you help your customers even better? Where are the untapped opportunities? And where do you think you can make a difference? The answers to those questions form the basis for your personalization strategy and the associated use cases. For example, are you unable to recognize customers via your website and to send them their abandoned shopping cart by email? Then recognizing customers via the website is a use case and reminding them of their shopping cart by e-mail is another.

Get started right away? Use our Success Cases Framework!

Do you find it difficult to determine your chances? Or do you have a laundry list of use cases, but you don't know which one to start with? Then use our Success cases Framework. In this handy Framework we have collected a number of successful, accessible use cases that you can use immediately. You can copy this 1 on 1, but of course also use it as inspiration to set up your own use cases. What do you start with?

Limitless possibilities with Squeezely's CDP

Curious about the possibilities Squeezely offers? Read more about the features here.

This is how our customers achieve success with personalization

From website personalization for XXL Nutrition to an intensive email process for Traveldeal: our customers each use personalization in their own way to achieve success and to surpass themselves time and again.

Want to read more success stories? View all cases here

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