Want to start with a CDP

This is what you have to think about

Starting with a Customer Data Platform (CDP)may look like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. With the right preparation, you can ensure a flying start and a smooth implementation. We hear you thinking: what does that preparation entail? And what does such an implementation process actually look like? Very understandable questions, which we answer in this blog. For your convenience, we have listed our experiences, success stories and best tips for you.

What does a CDP implementation process look like?

A CDP implementation process consists of a number of phases that follow each other one by one. In the following paragraphs we explain what the phases look like, how to prepare for them and what to pay attention to during implementation. So you can get started in no time.

Step 1. Develop your personalization strategy

Before we start with the actual implementation, we always first examine the personalization strategy. This strategy tells us what we want to achieve and therefore also what data we need. Plus, it helps to stay on track. As soon as this strategy is on paper, we can really start.

Want to read more about this? Read our blog about developing a personalization strategy here.

Step 2. Translate your personalization strategy into use cases

The next step is to translate the personalization strategy into actionable use cases. These use cases are means or elaborations to achieve your objective(s). For example, consider an abandoned cart journey (use case) to improve the conversion rate (objective).

If all goes well, you can hang (almost) every use case on one of the following pillars:

Some use cases are very concrete, such as encouraging newsletter subscriptions. Other use cases, on the other hand, remain a lot more abstract. Think, for example, of recognizing profiles on the site or mapping favorite product categories.

Do you need help developing your use cases? Or you don't know where to start? Then use our handy Success Cases Framework. This framework contains different use cases per pillar, which you can copy one-to-one or use as inspiration to set up your own use cases.

Step 3. Determine the right implementation option for data collection

As soon as your personalization strategy and use cases are clear, we take a closer look at the data infrastructure of your platform and channels. This structure determines how the data channels are linked to the CDP. In theory, there are three options you can use: a plug-in, smart tracking and custom tracking.

Option 1: Use a plugin

With a plug-in you can easily link the e-commerce platform with the CDP. This automatically synchronizes all necessary data from your webshop. You only have to manually activate the link of your e-mail channel. Here you can read which ESP's Squeezely has a plug and play connection and how you can easily add it.

Squeezely offers plugins for multiple platforms, including Shopify, Magento 2, and Lightspeed. Do you use another platform? Then smart tracking and custom tracking are suitable alternatives.

Option 2: Use smart tracking

Do you not want or cannot use a plug-in, but do you have an enhanced ecommerce data layer? Then you can start with a CDP by activating smart tracking. To ensure that smart tracking functions optimally, you need two things:

Option 3: Use custom tracking

If you can't use a plugin and don't have an enhanced ecommerce data layer, custom tracking is the solution for you. Again, you need a product feed in XML format and an API call for backend purchases.

The link with your email service provider (ESP)

Earlier in this blog we already mentioned the manually activated link between the CDP and an e-mail service provider (ESP). Most ESPs are standard equipped with such a link and are easy to activate via an API token.

Squeezely offers links to Spotler, Copernica, CanopyDeploy, Mailjet, MailCampaigns, Webpower and Klaviyo.

Step 4. Prepare your team

Have you worked out your personalization strategy and use cases? Mapped the IT landscape and determine how you link the channels? Then we have arrived at the last step: preparing your team for the implementation. What knowledge you need in your team for a successful implementation depends on the following:

So before implementation, consider whether your team has the right resources to realize your plans.

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