Gain even deeper insights into your target audiences, their purchasing behaviour, and customer lifespans with Squeezely's RFM module. Utilise these insights to enhance customer lifetime value through targeted campaigns for each segment.

Enhanced CLV through segmentation

Want to find out how valuable your customers truly are? And which target audiences to focus on for maximum profit? The RFM module makes it all clear for you. The app reveals how your customers score on different factors, enabling you to set up targeted campaigns in Squeezely. Think of a reactivation campaign for customers who haven't made a purchase in a while but used to order regularly in the past. Or an email with an incentive to a segment of loyal customers to boost your revenue. Whoever your target customers are, with the RFM module, you always hit the mark.

User-friendly dashboard

The RFM module functions as an add-on within Squeezely, making all insights available in the CDP. In the user-friendly dashboard, you can quickly see the values your customers possess and how they relate to each other. Additionally, the scores help you identify interesting target groups and understand their purchasing behaviour.

Precise segmentation

Based on scores, the RFM module automatically categorises your customers into different segments. Think of promising customers, new customers, and customers who require attention. The segment criteria are predefined but can be easily edited manually. Copy the segment as a target audience to Squeezely, and you can start using it right away.

Real-time data synchronisation

The built-in connection ensures that data from Squeezely is available in real-time for the RFM model. This means that the analyses also consider the most up-to-date customer data. Conversely, the effects of your personalisations in Squeezely are reflected in changing scores.


Smart behavioural analyses

The RFM app analyses all your customers' purchases over the past 12 months based on recency, frequency, and monetary value, and compares them to the average. It then calculates a score from 1 to 5 for each factor, with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest. Based on this, the module automatically categorises your customers into segments, which are immediately available as target audiences in Squeezely. Think of promising customers with a recent high-value purchase but low frequency. Or customers you're at risk of losing, indicated by a low recency score.

What sets the RFM module apart is that it takes into account three different aspects of buying behaviour and places each score in perspective. This provides an objective view, allowing you to pinpoint where there's room for improvement in specific segments.


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