Create personalised content flows and enhance the relevance of your communication with Webpower's marketing automation software. Connect Webpower with Squeezely and you will sitting on a goldmine.

Tailored marketing automation tools for optimal results

A successful marketing strategy is nothing without the right set of automation tools. To create a relevant and efficient marketing strategy, automation and smart data utilisation are essential. Webpower makes this accessible and easy. The platform offers solutions for automating processes, personalising content, and generating leads. It includes email and SMS marketing software, WhatsApp integration, and an editor for forms and landing pages.

User-friendly interface

With Webpower marketing software, you can easily design landing pages, forms, email campaigns, and SMS messages for all your target audiences. The user-friendly software provides you with all the freedom you need to create transactional and interactive emails, SMS flows, landing pages, and forms in your very own (brand) style. Drag, drop, and build without any HTML or CSS knowledge.

Efficiency through automation

The Flow Builder enables you to set up processes in the most efficient way. In just a few clicks, you create customer journeys with automated triggers and personalised content. For example, after an on-site action, a lack of purchase, or as a follow-up after attending an event. This saves you time while retaining control.

A/B-tests and insightful reports

In addition to smart A/B testing, which helps you identify the best subject lines, send times, and CTAs, all results are reported for you. In a clear dashboard, you can see open and click-through rates, incoming leads, and how campaigns are performing.


Real-time data collection and synchronisation

Enhance Squeezely with Webpower and benefit from customised automated marketing processes. The integrated connection ensures that stored data is always available across various platforms and your CMS. With real-time data synchronisation, you can rest assured that your customer profiles are up-to-date and trigger the right campaigns from the right products at the right time.


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B2B Lead Identification

Never miss a lead and enhance the relevance of your campaigns with B2B Lead Identification. This technology helps you identify potential customers and guide them towards conversion with the right content.

Squeezely Search

The search functionality on your website is a crucial driver of conversions. With the features of Squeezely Search, you optimize search results and product listings on your website, maximizing both relevance and profit. Add your data from Squeezely to the mix, and you create the optimal on-site experience for every customer.


Gain even deeper insights into your target audiences, their purchasing behaviour, and customer lifespans with Squeezely's RFM module. Utilise these insights to enhance customer lifetime value through targeted campaigns for each segment.

Eazy is the solution for optimising your customer service. With Eazy, you connect all your communication channels and customer data into one Multi-Channel Inbox, easily distribute tasks among your team members, and achieve the best omni-channel customer experiences.

Meta Pro

With the Conversions API, you synchronise first-party data in real-time from Squeezely to Meta and back. This leads to higher match rates (EMQ scores), reaching larger audiences, and improving the relevance of your advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.


DotDigital provides omnichannel marketing solutions for the best customer experiences. Enhance these solutions with first-party data from Squeezely to communicate even more effectively with customers, enhance customer engagement, and increase your revenue.

Spotler Mail+

Email becomes truly powerful when you feed it with up-to-date customer data and have the right tools at your disposal. With Spotler Mail+ and Squeezely, you make the most of your email and achieve the best results.


With Spitche's Loyalty solution, you leverage loyal customers to grow your brand. Set up reward programs to enhance customer engagement and turn your customers into loyal ambassadors. Integrate this end-to-end solution with Squeezely to leverage all customer data to the fullest and contiously optimise results.